[USA] More Sets Added To Amazon $10 off $50 Select LEGO Promo (117 LEGO Sets Now Qualify)

Amazon America has added more sets that qualify for the $10 off $50 on select LEGO promotion. There are now 117 LEGO sets to choose from. The list of qualifying sets appears to be changing constantly from time to time. This September 2022 LEGO USA Promotional Deal is valid for a limited time only and can end at anytime.

Note that some sets are already on sale. The discounted items are stackable with the $10 off $50 deal. You’ll see the $10 off $50 discount applied at the final stages of checkout.

Shown below is LEGO Star Wars Dark Trooper Attack 75324 for $28.99 (reg.$34.99). Note that the set also qualifies for $10 off $50. 

Free shipping on orders above $25 at Amazon USA. These U.S LEGO Toy Sales & Deals are valid for a limited time only. More great buys can be found on the Amazon USA Top 100 LEGO Bestsellers List.

Shown below is LEGO Speed Champions 1970 Ferrari 512 M 76906 (reg.$19.97). The set qualifies for $10 off $50.

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